Jacob I. Levine, Ruby An, Nathan J.B. Kraft, Stephen W. Pacala, Jonathan M. Levine. Why ecologists struggle to predict coexistence from functional traits. 2024. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. (link)
Jacob I. Levine, Stephen W. Pacala, Jonathan M. Levine. Competition for time: evidence for an overlooked, diversity-maintaining competitive mechanism. 2024. Ecology Letters. (link)
Sebastian Block, Marc-Jacques Maechler, Jacob I. Levine, Jake M. Alexander, Loic Pellissier, Jonathan M. Levine. Ecological lags govern the pace and outcome of plant community responses to 21st-century climate change. 2022. Ecology Letters. (link).
Jacob I. Levine, Brandon M. Collins, Zachary L. Steel, Perry de Valpine, Jonathan M. Levine. Higher incidence of high-severity fire in and near industrially managed forests. 2022. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. (link). Press coverage by LA Times (link).
Jacob I. Levine, Jonathan M. Levine, Theo Gibbs, Stephen W. Pacala. Competition for water and species coexistence in phenologically structured annual plant communities. 2022. Ecology Letters. (link).
Robert York, Jacob I. Levine, Daniel Forest, Scott L. Stephens, Brandon M. Collins. Silviculture can facilitate repeat prescribed burn programs with long-term strategies. 2022. California Agriculture. (link).
Robert York, Jacob I. Levine, Kane Russel, Joe Restaino. Opportunities for winter prescribed burning in mixed conifer plantations of the Sierra Nevada. 2021. Fire Ecology. (link).
Melissa R. Jaffe, Brandon M. Collins, Jacob I. Levine, Hudson Northrup, Francisco Malandra, Daniel Krofchek, Matthew D. Hurteau, Scott L. Stephens, Malcom North. Prescribed fire shrub consumption in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest. 2021. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. (link).
Jacob I. Levine, Perry de Valpine, John Battles. Generalized additive models reveal among-stand variation in live tree biomass equations. 2021. Canadian journal of Forest Research. (link).
Jacob I. Levine, Brandon M. Collins, Robert A. York, Daniel E. Foster, Danny L. Fry, Scott L. Stephens. Forest stand and site characteristics influence fuel consumption in repeat prescribed burns. 2020. International journal of wildland fire. (link).